Make a dictionary where the keys are the names of weight lifting exercises, and the values are the number of times you did that exercise.(At least 5 exercises,be creative. Nobody should have same values)

Use a for loop to print out a series of statements such as “I did 10 bench presses”.
Modify one of the values in your dictionary, to represent doing more of that exercise.

Use a for loop to print out a series of statements such as “I did 10 bench presses”.

Add a new key-value pair to your dictionary.

Use a for loop to print out a series of statements such as “I did 10 bench presses”.
Remove one of the key-value pairs from your dictionary.
Use a for loop to print out a series of statements such as “I did 10 bench presses”.
Use a function to do all of the looping and printing in this problem.