Comprehensive Portfolio PresentationThis final assignment is the compilation of all five portfolio pieces from the unit assignments. The intent of the final project is to showcase your accomplishments by developing a PowerPoint presentation that synthesizes all of your work into a comprehensive slide show. A comprehensive portfolio presentation should reveal what you have the potential to become. It demonstrates much more than a cover letter and resume. By creating a detailed presentation, prospective employers have the opportunity to see a complete picture of who you are, your education, your accomplishments, and your skill sets. You can potentially use your presentation for job interviews to showcase a concept, to illustrate the depth of your skills and experience, or to use as a tool to get a second interview.As you begin to review the requirements for the PowerPoint presentation, make sure you have the final versions of the following:Research Data Analysis Portfolio Piece A from Unit 3.Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B from Unit 5.Cultural Competency Portfolio Piece C from Unit 6.Ethical Assignment Portfolio Piece D from Unit 7.Individual Portfolio Career Piece E from Unit 9.For your final project, you are required to create a PowerPoint presentation, which highlights the course competencies and your writing from this course. For each portfolio piece that you have written this term, please create 6–8 slides that provide a high-level explanation or summary of each portfolio piece. In other words, you should create a minimum of 30 slides along with a title slide, introduction slide, conclusion slide, and references slides. Use a clear and concise structure and support your ideas with presenter notes and references. All slides should include presenter notes (minimum of three paragraphs) with the text of what you will say for each slide. You may use information directly from your portfolio pieces when writing presenter notes. However, they should be written as if you are speaking to an audience or potential employer, for example. Include images as needed to make the presentation visually appealing.While examining your portfolio pieces and making decisions about the essential information that will be presented, it is recommended that you begin by creating an outline and comparing it to the Comprehensive Portfolio Presentation Scoring Guide to ensure you have specifically taken into account and addressed all of the grading criteria in detail.Before you submit your PowerPoint presentation for review, make sure you have included the salient points from the final versions of all five portfolio pieces. Remember, this assignment is the compilation and summary of the salient points from all five portfolio pieces from the unit assignments. Direct any questions about this assignment to your instructor.Submit your PowerPoint presentation as an attachment to the assignment area by the end of this unit.You will use your research, analysis, writing, and communication skills intensely for this project. My notes to you: * Attached are all the papers that are required for this presentation.  For any reason you cannot open them/view them, please, please, let me know. * Absolutely no plagiarizing * Any questions please let me know. * This presentation is due no later than Thursday, before midnight is when I have to turn it in.





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Adolescents Childbearing Stress
Research Data Analysis Portfolio Piece A: Childbearing of Adolescents and Subsequent
Daisy Evelyn Lopez
Psych 4900 Sec 02
Unit 3 Assignment 1
Capella University
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
Adolescent Childbearing Stress in Families of Latinos
This research was carried out under the sponsorship of the National Human
Development and Institute of Child Health. When a child is born in a family, he/she
brings disequilibrium in the family system, which prompts, to the reorganization of the
roles and relationship among the members. When one becomes a parent, stress and strain
will apparently strike which will affect relationships of family members. However, when
an adolescent becomes pregnant and bears a child, the responsibilities of the other family
members will be affected because they will continue living with their families of origin
before they get married. Understanding how adolescent’s childbearing changes families
is crucial because these young generation is dominantly known for engaging in high
levels of drug abuse, sexual activity and alcohol use when compared to their sisters who
have no cases of unwanted pregnancy (Contreras, 2004).
Family Disruption and Adolescent Childbearing
An adolescent childbearing is likely to have large impact on the family. The
members have to adapt in accommodating the newborn into the household. This cause
major change on family routines, household composition, parent’s work patterns and
sleeping and living arrangements which lead to increased family chaos, stress and general
disruption. When a girl who had not been married bears a child, their grandmother
(Contreras, 2004) will be forced to join the family to help them in taking care of the
teen’s baby. In some other circumstances, the father of the child might be forced to stay
with the family. The mother of the daughter might quit her job to help in taking care of
her grandchild or find a good paying job in which she is able to employ somebody who
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
will be responsible in taking care of the newborn child. Therefore, this disrupts the
normal routine of the family. The impact of the new child in a family also affects how to
spend cash and the regular budget. The family will be forced to enter into debts with the
intention of trying to keep themselves financially stable. This leads to continuous family
strain and conflict.
Sibling Gender Differences in Family Process
Research, which was conducted, revealed that younger brothers are less affected
by the pregnancy of their elder sister compared to their sisters. The female show great
tendency of engaging in drug abuse and late night partying when they are expectant
compared to their brothers. This vulnerability to adjustment to their sister’s childbearing
is due to the gender differences while mediating the effects (Deater-Deckard et al. 2012).
The proposal of meditational model is required where the process of gender specific that
may lead to brothers and sisters’ adjustment is needed.
Methods used
The study included two hundred and forty three youths in America with Mexican
origin. We had one hundred and twenty two youths who had a sister that has never been
pregnant. There were also one hundred and twenty one youths who had their elder sister
who was an adolescent being pregnant. The average age of the siblings was fourteen
years and sixty two percent were girls. The participants were recruited by first identifying
adolescents who were pregnant and the ones who had never been expectant. The pregnant
participants were recruited from high schools; infants, women and children center
programs throughout urban areas in Southern California. The requirement was that the
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
adolescents were supposed to be Latina between fifteen and nineteen years. They were
supposed to be unmarried and were pregnant for the first time in their life. The mothers
were able to respond in English or Spanish depending on the questionnaire that was
appropriate to them.
The never pregnant participants were recruited by asking their close friends who
were already expectant to name the friends who were not pregnant before. This method
was used in order to identify the similarities between families that had childbearing
adolescent and that, which had never had a pregnant sister. These were supposed to be
Attrition and Study Design
In the fifteen-month period in which the research was carried out, the families
were able to participate at four time points. Those who had a pregnant adolescent
contributed when she was in her trimester pregnancy with two, six and twelve months
postpartum. Those who had sisters who had never been pregnant (Deater-Deckard et al.
2012) participated in the same interval. Out of the total number of siblings who were two
hundred and forty three, ninety two percent took part in time 2, eighty four percent at
time 3 and 81% at time four. Selection attrition was checked by comparing the samples of
the total number of participants who took part in the study with the ones that had
remained. However, there was no difference, which was found between the families that
dropped out with those that had remained. Older sisters who were pregnant stayed with
their families where they were born and those who were never pregnant remained the
same over our course of study. Their young siblings also never changed while the
research was being carried out.
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
Use of Questionnaire
There was administration of interview o siblings and mothers where they were
supposed to provide their background information and basic description at the four study
points, which were used (Conger et al. 2010). Latina female assistants helped to
administer the questionnaires, which were written in Spanish. The siblings were fluent in
English and were able to complete the answers both in written form and oral questions.
Thirty percent of the mothers responded in English while seventy percent responded in
Spanish. They all chose the best language, which was comfortable for them. The one who
took part in answering the questionnaire were paid a total of twenty dollars.
The low-income earners who were Latino Mexican were heavily interviewed due
to cultural sensitivity, which exists between the populations, which is predominantly
targeted. The results obtained showed that the measures used were culturally appropriate
and had the context required by the personnel studying. There were translators who were
helping in interpreting English to Spanish and English to Mexican. The original English
was then compared with the one that had been translated from the three different
Family disruption
The mothers were able to complete an inventory of changes and life events whose
main agenda is to assess the occurrence of family events, which are disruptive such as
addition, or loss of a family member from a household, child’s school and change of
employment status of the parents. The main items, which are required by the family in
their well survival, were excluded.
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
Harsh Treatment of Mothers
The questionnaires, which were administered to the mothers, required them to
provide information on the number of times they shouted at or yelled to their siblings
(Duncan et al. 2004).
They were also supposed to answer questions, which were
requiring them to give information on how many times they beat their children, or nagged
Conflict between mother and sibling
The mothers provided information on how many times they argued with their
adolescent children. This was achieved by using eighteen items from the checklist, which
was issued. Some said that they had not argued with their children while others said that
they quarreled with their children frequently.
Drug abuse and delinquency
The questionnaire, which was administered using eighteen parts, intended to ask
how often the siblings used drugs and alcohol (Duncan et al. 2004). Some revealed that
they usually smoked marijuana and they finally engaged in premature fights and abuse of
each other while some stole items from secured buildings and business premises.
Strengths and limitations
Administering questions to people who spoke different languages was a big
challenge because it needed somebody who knew more than one language to translate.
Getting the required adolescent who was childbearing to answer to the questionnaires was
difficult. Some respondents were shy and were not ready to give the required
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
The method of administering questionnaires to mothers who were not learned
gives a hard task of translating and takes time to explain what is supposed to be done
(Conger et al. 2010). The adolescent siblings who were among the participants would not
be ready to answer to questions wanting to know their inner characteristics without prior
information that the study would be taken.
Adolescents Childbearing Stress
Conger, R. D., Conger, K. J., & Martin, M. J. (2010). Socioeconomic status, family
processes, and individual development. Journal of Marriage and Family, 72,
685–704. doi:10.1111/j.1741-3737.2010
Contreras, J. M. (2004). Parenting behaviors among mainland Puerto Rican adolescent
mothers: The role of grandmother and partner involvement. Journal of Research
on Adolescence, 14, 341–368. doi:10.1111/j.1532-7795.2004.00078.x
Deater-Deckard, K., Chen, N., Wang, Z., & Bell, M. (2012). Socioeconomic risk
moderates the link between household chaos and maternal executive function.
Journal of Family Psychology, 26, 391–399. doi:10.1037/a0028331
East, P. L., & Chien, N. C. (2013). Stress in Latino Families Following an Adolescent’s
Childbearing: Effects on Family Relationships and Siblings. Journal Of Family
Psychology, 27(2), 183-193. doi:10.1037/a0031536
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
Daisy Evelyn Lopez
Psych 4900 Sec 02
Unit 5 Assignment 1
Capella University
August, 2016
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
Teenage Pregnancy of the Latino
Before the age of twenty years more than half of the Latinos in America become
pregnant at least once before they are officially in a marriage. A study carried out in the
year 2006 showed that the number of pregnant Latinos was twice the normal number of
the normal number of expectant mothers in the country. The ration of the Latinos was
127:72. This increased pregnancy of the underage in the country has negative effects
socially and health to the mother and child. The adolescents who have been expectant
once after in their life have the risk of living in poverty, being single mothers and many
would drop out of school prior to finishing their academic program (Secura et al. 2014).
In addition to this, increased pregnancy is an indication of many youths carrying out
unprotected sexual behaviors and thus putting many into the danger of being victims of
sexually transmitted diseases.
Many teenage Latinas have the desire and feeling of being pregnant despite the
social, cultural and economic factors that may contribute too many engaging in these
premature sexual practices. In the national survey carried out in the country in the year
2002, it showed that many teenage Latinos had the desire of being pregnant than their
counterparts who are non-Latinos and the black. Many were pleased when told that they
are pregnant when compared to the others. Because of the prevalence that the youths
have towards being pregnant, good methods would be put in place to try and guide the
teens on how to carry out their relationships and taking appropriate interventions in
curbing the pregnancies in this group (Touvier et al. 2013).
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
The role of intentions of pregnancy has been received with mixed feeling in the
United States where many are attributing that this brings an influence towards pregnancy.
The favorable environment created by many advisors of pregnancy have a big impact on
the perception created by the adolescents which is mainly associated with low
educational level, a low status of socioeconomic, and having a partner who is not caring
and much older than the expected age parity (Touvier et al. 2013).
A wider differences in the background of a partner and social and cultural make
the pregnancy intentions to vary greatly and make the anger for contraceptives to increase
to a bigger percentage. Similarly, a national survey carried out on household and families
found out that the intentions that the adolescent people had for pregnancy; it did not
include the other predictors such as the desire for sex, mother’s education, income, age,
and enrollment in school.
Furthermore, the examination of pregnancy poses a lot of challenges. Determining
whether a woman feels happy or annoyed when pregnant and they tend to hold this
conviction with myriad degrees. There is a big difference between teenagers and women
in planning for efficient pregnancies and having clear objectives of what they are
supposed to attain while being expectant (Secura et al. 2014). As the external changes are
experienced among the youths, their attitudes are modified towards pregnancies at an
underage situation in real life circumstances and change of their partners in sexual
Despite all these circumstances, there are many implications in delineating
relationships that are important to the teenagers. Analyzing factors that put the young
generation in a high risk of getting unwanted pregnancies by use of key predictors such
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
as age, sexual partner and confidence of maintaining the child, plays a big role in
reducing the number of expectant youths among the Latinos in the United States of
America thus giving credit to the involved workforces in the country.
Theories and principles explaining Latino pregnancy
Social cognitive
This is concerned with accessing ones behavior and the related effects that might
be encountered when one changes the usual behavior. It explains the benefits and risks on
behavioral changes in developing self-efficacy and the knowing the outcome of high
expectations (Touvier et al. 2013). The contraceptive use within the gender is well
documented using this theory in that it helps the teenagers to have the ability of being
relevant when dealing with their partners when in a relationship. In addition, the theory
explains that the male counterparts had a high possibility of using a condom or suggests
the use of one when compared to the females who are involved in the relationship. The
social study network uses the school curricular in trying to address the effects of STDs
among the youth and assesses the prevention methods of pregnancy and HIV (Finer et al.
Motivational principle theory
Through motivational interviewing, the risk of getting pregnant through alcohol is
well explained. The prevention methods have been documented in advising the Latinos
adolescents on how to engage in a good relationship that might not break easily. The
study carried out in US showed that a high percentage of the youths who were possibly
engaging in irresponsible sex, a high number would not use contraceptives while few
would remember in using one (Secura et al. 2014).
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
Prevention of teenage pregnancy and recommendation
Familial and home environment are crucial in shaping the sexual behavior of the
young generation in the society today including the Latinos. Economic and social factors
act as the main disadvantage for the pregnancy of the youths. These have been linked as
the main factors contributing to the unexpected pregnancy of the youths. The
improvement of the life of the young child of the age between eighteen and nineteen
years will help in reducing the likelihood of the adolescents becoming early mothers.
Although studies carried out have revealed that the culture of the Latinos is supportive to
early pregnancies of their child, they will be taken into institutions to be informed the
importance (Finer et al. 2014) of keeping the child to get enough growth before engaging
in marital status.
When the youths engage in a serious relationship, they tend to feel secure and
have a high motive of becoming pregnant (Finer et al. 2014). This depends on the partner
whom they are out with and the intentions of the two parties that have been involved. The
use of condoms among the teens should be encouraged to avoid irresponsible pregnancies
that result in many dropping out of school. Enrollment in sports activities will help many
people in putting themselves busy with different people hence reducing the rate at which
they are to bear a child. Finally, there are the Latinos who are not able to be in control of
what is happening in the relationship. They sometimes depend entirely on the male
partners to decide what to be done due to the unfavorable background of the female
partner hence bullying and the unwanted pregnancies increase among the youth.
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
The society is trying to argue that child bearing is used to show the fertility of the
girl child among their group (Secura et al. 2014). This does not take the norms that are
culturally practiced, social circumstances, and the use of the available contraceptives. By
use of the many practices that are followed by the society, the effects of early teen
pregnancy should be reflected clearly so as to avoid more youths from engaging in the
premarital sex. The study on the Latino adolescents was able to reveal the many
underlying problems that contribute to the large numbers wanting to become pregnant.
Furthermore, circumstances such as family unity and lack of economic support would
contribute in many some to try the motherly stage early in their life. The results found
suggests that differentials in pregnancy of teenagers is less intentional as many don’t
support the idea of using hormonal contraceptives thus leading to many adolescents being
vulnerable to early pregnancies that they never expected (Touvier et al. 2013). Our
research would like to recommend more focus on the use of condoms and contraceptives
on the youths to prevent early pregnancies for the youths who commit irresponsible sex.
Critical Thinking Portfolio Piece B: Latino Teenage Pregnancy
Finer, L. B., & Zolna, M. R. (2014). Shifts in intended and unintended pregnancies in the
United States, 2001–2008. American journal of public health, 104(S1), S43-S48.
Secura, G. M., Madden, T., McNicholas, C., Mullersman, J., Buckel, C. M., Zhao, Q., &
Peipert, J. F. (2014). Provision of no-cost, long-acting contraception and teenage
pregnancy. New England Journal of Medicine, 371(14), 1316-1323.
Touvier, M., Fezeu, L., Ahluwalia, N., Julia, C., Charnaux, N., Sutton, A., … &
Czernichow, S. (2013). Association between prediagnostic biomarkers of
inflammation and endothelial function and cancer risk: a nested case-control
study. American journal of epidemiology, 177(1), 3-13.
Cultural Competency Portfolio Piece C: Cultural Diversity
Cultural Competency Portfolio Piece C: Cultural Diversity
Daisy Evelyn Lopez
Psych 4900 Sec 02
Unit 6 Assignment 1
Capella University
August, 2016
Cultural Competency Portfolio Piece C: Cultural Diversity
Cultural Diversity
Issues in the case study
The central theme of the selected article is cultural war. This is a situation where there
exist tussles between the conservative rules and the liberal values of the modern world. Cultural
wars have been a contemporary issue since the early …
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