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Handout Master 11.3
Crossword Puzzle
1. the three stages of the body’s physiological reaction to stress, including alarm, resistance,
and exhaustion.
6. people who expect positive outcomes.
8. people who expect negative outcomes.
11. the psychological experience produced by urgent demands or expectations for a person’s
behavior that come from an outside source.
14. psychological experience of being pulled toward or drawn to two or more desires or goals,
only one of which may be attained.
15. events that cause a stress reaction.
16. the study of the effects of psychological factors such as stress, emotions, thoughts, and
behavior on the immune system.
2. actions meant to harm or destroy.
3. negative changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of prolonged stress or
4. the psychological experience produced by the blocking of a desired goal or fulfillment of a
perceived need.
5. the daily annoyances of everyday life.
7. mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trance-like state of
9. the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral responses to
events that are appraised threatening or challenging.
10. the effect of unpleasant and undesirable stressors.
12. leaving the presence of a stressor, either literally or by a psychological withdrawal into
fantasy, drug abuse, or apathy.
13. the effect of positive events, or the optimal amount of stress that people need to promote
health and well-being.
17. an unpredictable, large-scale event that creates a tremendous need to adapt and adjust as
well as overwhelming feelings of threat.
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Handout Master 11.4
1. __________ is the term used to describe the physical, emotional, cognitive, and behavioral
responses to events that are appraised as threatening or challenging.
2. An event that can cause a stress reaction is called a __________.
3. __________ is the effect of positive events, or the optimal amount of stress that people
need to promote health and well-being.
4. The effect of unpleasant and undesirable stressors is known as ____________.
5. The first step in assessing a stress is known as __________ __________, which involves
estimating the severity of a stressor and classifying it as either a threat or a challenge.
6. __________ __________ is the second step in assessing a threat, which involves
estimating the resources available to the person for coping with the stressor.
7. A __________ is an unpredictable, large-scale event that creates a tremendous need to
adapt and adjust as well as overwhelming feelings of threat.
8. A __________ is an annoyance in everyday life.
9. __________ is the psychological experience produced by urgent demands or expectations
for a person’s behavior that come from an outside source.
10. __________ is the psychological experience produced by the blocking of a desired goal or
fulfillment of a perceived need.
11. __________ is the psychological experience of being pulled toward or drawn to two or more
desires or goals, only one of which may be attained.
12. The three stages of the body’s physiological reaction to stress, including alarm, resistance,
and exhaustion is called the __________ __________ __________ or GAS.
13. The system of cells, organs, and chemicals of the body that responds to attacks from
diseases, infections, and injuries is known as the __________ __________.
14. __________ is the study of the effects of psychological factors such as stress, emotions,
thoughts, and behavior on the immune system.
15. _________ __________ personality is a person who is ambitious, time conscious, extremely
hardworking, and tends to have high levels of hostility and anger as well as being easily
16. __________ __________ personality is a person who is relaxed and laid-back, less driven
and competitive than Type A, and slow to anger.
17. __________ __________ personality is a pleasant but repressed person, who tends to
internalize his or her anger and anxiety and who finds expressing emotions difficult.
18. The __________ personality is a person who seems to thrive on stress but lacks the anger
and hostility of the Type A personality
19. A(n) __________ is someone who always expects positive outcomes.
20. A(n) __________ is someone who always expects negative outcomes.
21. Negative changes in thoughts, emotions, and behavior as a result of prolonged stress or
frustration is called __________.
22. The stress resulting from the need to change and adapt a person’s ways to the majority
culture is called __________ __________.
23. Actions that people can take to master, tolerate, reduce, or minimize the effects of stressors
are called __________ _________.
24. __________ __________ coping strategies try to eliminate the source of a stress or reduce
its impact through direct actions.
25. __________ __________ coping strategies change the impact of a stressor by changing the
emotional reaction to the stressor.
26. A mental series of exercises meant to refocus attention and achieve a trancelike state of
consciousness is called __________.
Words for Fill-in-the Blanks
acculturative stress
coping strategies
emotion focused
General Adaptation Syndrome
immune system
primary appraisal
problem focused
secondary appraisal
Type A
Type B
Type C

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