Write about 1500 words (better more than less). Don’t worry about making a powerpoint, I
can make it myself. Don’t worry too much about plagiarising, the simple
copy/paste from Wikipedia, etc, however, will not be acceptable. You still need
to reference (at least 2 in-text references per paragraph). Use at least 5
empirical sources/references. 
10-minute oral presentation
The purpose of this presentation is for you to discover and
communicate how cognitive
theory is applied to important areas of human activity, and to
assess the relevance and
potential usefulness of this application. You will review a body
of empirical research
addressing a cognitive issue in a real-world situation. You will
need to refer to a minimum of
five different empirical research articles specifically on the
issue, in addition to any
background readings about the issue in general, or about
cognitive theory.
Below is a list of topics that have been addressed by empirical
research. The topics are
quite broad so you’ll have reasonable freedom to pick an area
within an issue. However, it
is really important that you stick to the concept of cognition and
how it relates to your
topic. Please don’t get side-tracked. It will be very easy to write
all sorts of things about (for
example) false memories or recovered memories that have nothing
to do with cognitive
psychology. As you write, ask yourself – “Am I still writing
about cognitive psychology?”
Foreign language learning (all
other topics have already been assigned). – children learning foreign languages vs adults, etc, etc…Can talk a little about prenatal/infant language aquisition.
What the issue is and why research is needed
Relevant cognitive concepts/theory accurately presented
Research findings evaluated
Research findings applied to issue (conclusion)