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Running Head: E-SOCIETY
Allen Pinckney
Professor Paul Henry
April 2, 2017
Introduction ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Cultures of publics Facebook and LinkedIn …………………………………………………………………………………….. 3
Existence of Publics in the History …………………………………………………………………………………………………. 4
Analysis section …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Analysis of Post One shared on Facebook ………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Analysis of Post Two shared on Facebook ………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
Analysis of a Post the Author shared on Facebook ………………………………………………………………………….. 7
Findings of posts shared on Facebook ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 7
Analysis of Post One on LinkedIn …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 8
Analysis of Post Two on LinkedIn …………………………………………………………………………………………………… 9
Analysis of Post Author shared on LinkedIn ……………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Findings of posts shared in LinkedIn …………………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Bridging between Facebook and LinkedIn …………………………………………………………………………………….. 10
Conclusion ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 11
References ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 13
Social Media networking sites are computer and mobile oriented technologies that allow
the creation and sharing of information, career interests, photos and ideas among other forms of
expressions (Bucher, 2015). These virtual communities are networked and allow for real-time
communication between the collaborative parties. Many teenagers are joining these social
network sites. Social networking sites are also referred to as social websites. Moreover, due to
increased market, companies are creating mobile-based versions of the sites to meet new
demands. The author of the research paper will discuss on public social sites Facebook and
These networked sites support both existing and new user inputs where one is prompted
to create an account before they proceed to enjoy the services offered. Once an account is
created, the new user can log in to the site mostly using their usernames and passwords. They get
provided with a list of people that they can choose to interact. However, people selected within
the list can either accept or deny a connection. Through careful selection, users can have a vast
web of interconnected social friends. They can share images, files, videos, text. Companies also
advertise new jobs through the social sites. Social sites have millions of users. However, one can
have just a handful of them who are interconnected.
Cultures of publics Facebook and LinkedIn
Facebook was founded in the year 2004 by Mark Zuckerberg who is still the current
Chief Executive Officer. Facebook’s culture is that they hold a Hackathon event every few
months. The forum usually runs anywhere from 24 hours to a few days (Busby & Lesko, 2016).
All employees across the organization from different teams and locations come together to
brainstorm. They build some of the things they believe will create will change the experience for
Facebook users. The rule during the event is that an employee should not work on something
related to their jobs. At the end of the meeting, teams present to their peers their ideas and the
best ideas get picked. The teams will best ideas are given a chance to give to Facebook top
executives. Through these hackathons, Facebook improves users experience and retention of its
broad customer base. Some of the products derived from the Facebook events include Facebook
chat, Facebook Groups, and Safety Check.
LinkedIn, on the other hand, was designed as a website purposely for the business
community. Users can use switch between around twenty-four languages. The purpose of
LinkedIn is to help employers to post their jobs and the employees to post their Curriculum
Vitae. The culture at LinkedIn is that they consider talent as their number one operating priority.
Each employee at the company knows that they have an opportunity to transform themselves, the
company and the world. The relationship between employees is regarded a key factor as trust get
created between colleagues and the customers. Employees get encouraged to be constructive,
honest and open. They are even asked to set achievable goals. That way the whole organization
is excelling and meeting its planned objectives. Employees are invited to take cautious decisions
like if they were the firm’s owner which make them be bold and make intelligent risks that grow
themselves and the firm.
Existence of Publics in the History
Before the evolution of Facebook, Friendster was considered the premier social media
site. The company had about three million monthly active users just a few months after its
launch. However, the company ended up self-sabotaging itself with the user growth outpacing its
capabilities to handle them. Web pages occasionally failed to load from time to time or not at all.
Myspace got invented as a solution to Friendster’s failure which also gained customers over
time. However, when Facebook got released in the year 2004, it quickly took over the market
and revolutionized it. Since then the company had generated many revenues and is the best social
site having the most users.
On the other hand, before LinkedIn got introduced, there existed The
professional social site was started in the year 1998 to help millions of people to find jobs and
advance their careers. However, the professional site is still active in the market. However, it has
been overtaken by LinkedIn. The success of LinkedIn got seen by the acquisition of the
organization by Microsoft. Hosting of websites and other companies advertising jobs on the
LinkedIn site is a bit cheaper than using the former.
Analysis section
The writer will analyze both the current and past social public locations. New sites that
have been developed seem to solve the infrastructure that the former sites did not offer its users.
Facebook was designed to meet new user requirements that Friendster was not offering and the
frequent failure to load the web pages. Many users require that the public social sites be stable
over and over whenever they need them. Also, they need attracting user interfaces as many of the
users are the youths. They require sites that are interesting and are easy to use. Facebook has a
user-friendly user interface, and its chat mechanism enables it for them to use, even the elder
More so, good social sites should be able to give candid feedback to the users. Many
professionals like LinkedIn since it help give users options of other people they might like to
connect. The site also provides informative feedback whenever the other party accept the
invitation. The site also has a chat area where one can communicate with their connection and
even congratulate them on their jobs advertisements.
Analysis of Post One shared on Facebook
Facebook is used by people to post pictures and share them with friends. Friends, on the
other hand, can like or comment on those pictures or posts that other people posted. For instance,
the author came across a photo that a friend had posted on Facebook when he had posted a
picture of an elephant that was lying lifeless. He had relatively added a caption, “Let save the
wild animals” (Nance, 2012). It was a motivating post that got accompanied by many likes and
comments from fellow friends. The relevance of the post was that wild animals are a necessity in
the environment and should not get harmed. Elephants and rhinos should not be poached due for
their tusks. Poaching is an illegal crime, and many animals get killed.
The target audience was the governments’ mainly African countries mostly where there
are many cases of poaching. Additionally, the post was addressed to all residents to be vigilant
whenever they hear of cases of poaching and report to the relevant authorities. At times, the
poachers get released on bail rather than being imprisoned. The photo had been re-shared from
the Internet from a past poaching that occurred even though no one gets remanded.
Analysis of Post Two shared on Facebook
The author also came across a post where another friend had posted a photo of a cake that
they were willing to sell. The author’s friend had added a caption, “Chat me for more details and
the price.” The post had indicated the different types of cakes that could get ordered. The looked
delicious and mouth-watering. Many people like having cakes, and the author’s friend had
invested in something that would help them raise some money. The writer chose to share the post
to indicate that many youths are starting jobs that give them some income rather than waiting to
be employed. Additionally, when one engages in productive activities, they have an upper hand
of eluding themselves from drug use.
The target audience of the post was to anyone who would be willing to purchase the
cakes. Some of the friends had already started asking for the price of the cake and were ready to
buy. They were also requesting where the friend one’s and when the number of days the cakes
would be willing. Many friends were anxious to make orders on the cakes. It indicates that
someone can advertise their products on Facebook and meet a targeted audience based on proper
Analysis of a Post the Author shared on Facebook
The author recently posted a short video of a lady who was dancing with her pet dog in
the America’s Got Talent Show. It was a motivating video that had moved the whole crowd who
was present at the show. The caption following the video was “even animals can dance.” The
dog is the video danced so well in coordinated moves with a little guidance by her human. Many
of the spectators in the video held their mouth agape due to shock.
Targeted audience of the Facebook post that the author had posted was his social friends.
The writer wanted to encourage fellow friends to treat their pet dogs with care and teach them
different techniques. Dogs can be a source of income is treated and fed well and can be a form of
entertainment too. The short video was captured from the website of America’s Got Talent.
Additionally, the video was to create humor and make friends have some laughter. The video had
several likes and comments from friends.
Findings of posts shared on Facebook
The author encountered many different posts from friends in Facebook but chose to select
the highlighted above two posts. The author also shared one post shared on Facebook. Based on
the Facebook posts shared above, the author has discussed several factors. First, one can use
Facebook to deliver their message to the public that in an efficient manner. The two author’s
friends one indicated that they make and sell cake while the other stated that poaching is an
illegal crime that all governments need to try to put to an end.
Facebook as a social site can be used by people to advertise one product especially during
the marketing of the cake. The author gets to dig out that Facebook can get utilized an
entertainment tool. Many people use Facebook to share hilarious posts. The author shared the
post of the dancing woman and her pet dog. Other friends reacted to the video saying it was
entertaining and funny. Social media can also be used to bring out one’s ideas to the broad public
if they wish the information to reach a large media.
Analysis of Post One on LinkedIn
The author came across a post that Sage Company had advertised that it was in need of a
Marketing Manager in LinkedIn. The post had also included a brief job description of what they
required of the intended employee. In the job descriptions, the company had indicated that the
employee should have at least five years’ experience. The target employee had to have a
minimum of a Master’s degree from a recognized University.
Many users of Linked aim at growing their professional networks. Some are looking for
jobs while others share with people their new employment status. If one become an intern in any
organization, they can share the information on the site. The target audience of Sage’s job is
anyone who is qualified to take up the chance to apply for the job. The post had been shared by
Sage. Through the social network site, free skilled users can send their curriculum vitae (CV’s)
and application letters. On the other hand, Sage can easily reach for employees that they require
Analysis of Post Two on LinkedIn
Secondly, the writer came across a famous quote by one of the billions in the country.
The quote indicated “Continuously pursue the unending knowledge. One cannot have enough
skills or have enough information.” Corporations need to put ahead their tasks to ensure growth.
Businesses and individuals must continually re-invent themselves so as to succeed.
The target audience of the quote is to encourage LinkedIn users both business and other
LinkedIn users not to give up. The quote also invites the public that knowledge is limitless and
that one can never have enough. Knowledge is the key opener to many opportunities for both a
business and for individuals. It encourages the users and companies not to give up even if all is
not well and not to give up.
Analysis of Post Author shared on LinkedIn
The author shared in LinkedIn about the new internship got at Nordstrom. Some of the
linked professional praised the author for the achievement. Others encouraged the author to keep
up the spirit and even aim higher whenever they are searching for an internship another time later
in later years. The professionals even added the author skills some skills to boost the profile
account so as to add professionalism if companies come forward looking for qualified employees
in certain sectors.
The target audience was other people the writer has a connection. The author has decided
to share this post since it helped him alleviate his relationships with other users that they are
connected. Additionally, potential employers would be able to see that the writer is bold to seek
internship from a big corporation that is making real revenues. LinkedIn is used to highlight to
other people one has a connection with of their current professional standing.
Findings of posts shared in LinkedIn
Top Business Corporations can post information on LinkedIn that may be helpful to help
other smaller firms to build themselves. Individuals can use the social platform to encourage
other professionals on the need to keep up with the current trends and to have the upper hand
whenever they wish to look for better employment opportunities. Businesses can also advertise
new jobs for qualified individuals who are using the site. Likewise, people who may be looking
for jobs or wanting a change in their carriers can use the site to tap new upcoming posts and
apply them in due time.
When people share their new professional fields and positions, they get many viewers
who get an interest to know what a person has achieved. The professional level ranks up when
many observers view one’s account. Therefore, one may get recommendations for new job
opportunities, and even interested companies may call the person and ask if they can work with
them. Others users can recommend that a person has the knowledge and proficient in different
skills including knowledge in project management and use of certain Office tools like Microsoft
Bridging between Facebook and LinkedIn
Most of the social sites can be utilized by individuals and businesses to link to each other
and to create a social web quickly. Despite their localities, different people can reach to other
people. Many users and businesses are brought together at a common market where they can
share similar ideas and sell their products. Linked and Facebook carries out advertisings of small,
mid-sized and top corporations (Power, 2015). They can additionally share differing ideas but
work together to reach a common goal. The two companies can check on how the other is
conducting their business and trying to look for better competitive ways. The two social
networking sites also host other companies’ websites.
Different social sites have several similarities in their cultures. These cultures work at
improving users experience so as to tap more users. These cultures also aim at improving
employees’ empowerment so that they can always come up with new features that will attract
new markets. The workforce in both LinkedIn and Facebook are encouraged to be creative and
given favorable working conditions. Motivated employees will always put their best foot forward
to ensure that company growth and meets its objectives. They will, in turn, have good
relationships with the customers. Businesses can use the social sites to reach and tap new
customer base. Through the pop-up and the advertisements that the company creates, users may
get to have a highlight of what a company sells. Interested individuals will then have a look at
the company’s website to gather more informative knowledge.
Social media and social networking sites have many advantages in the current world.
However, some users are using social media in a negative manner and even tarnishing other
people’s names. Privacy has also been breached by use of the social platforms as people are
always trying to follow what other people were doing online (He, Glas, & Kosinski, 2014). For
instance, many relationships get broken due to excessive use of the social sites. The reason is that
that opposite genders might regularly ask the other why they liked another gender’s photos or
even commented on their posts. When trying to explain oneself, heated arguments arise, and
some even end up breaking up or leading to violent fights.
LinkedIn provides one with an option inserts a profile photo. The site is more of a resume
about professional people who are looking for jobs and advertising themselves. Having a picture
in one’s resume may pose as a bad idea when one is applying for a job. Some of the employers
may discriminate one from getting a job despite having qualified for the position just because of
how they look. Social media has also brought about a lot of fake characters for individuals. Some
people lie about their jobs. Others lie that they are single while others lie about their age. For
instance in Facebook, some people may fake their photos just to get more followers and friends.
The current world determines one’s popularity by the number of followers they have or the likes
and comments they get from the posts they display. However, we cannot live without social
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