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Let’s Apply What We
Your Assignment
 Individuals will develop an intervention based one the health topics of your
choice. The foundation of the intervention my be based on one of the
theories that we covered in class
 Presentation
 Behavioral Theory
 Health topic
 Target population
 Intervention
 Expected outcomes
Step #1 : Pick a Theory
 Health Belief Model
 Perceived Barriers
 Perceived Benefits
 Perceived Severity
 Perceived Susceptibility
 Cues to Action
 Self Efficacy
Step #2 : Pick a Health Topic &
State what you know
 Breastfeeding
 Breastfeeding is one of the most effective ways to ensure child health and
survival – World Health Organization (WHO)
 WHO actively promotes breastfeeding as the best source of nourishment for
infants and young children
 Breast-feeding helps provide protections for infants by giving them
nutrients and antibodies – Center for Disease Control and Prevention
 Not only is the milk easy for infants to to digest, it’s been shown to
protect against disease – CDC
Step #3 : Identify Your Target Audience
for the intervention
 Pregnant women in late stage of pregnancy between the
ages of 18 to 30
Step #4: Choose which constructs to use
in the intervention
 Perceive Benefits
 Perceive Barriers
 Self Efficacy
Step #5: Develop the
Answer the When, Where, and What questions
Step #5a: Where
 The intervention will take place in different community
centers around the city of Baltimore
Step #5b: When
 The intervention will take place once a month, on a rotating
basis, for two hours on a Saturday morning
Step #5c: What
(pick activities that will address each construct)
 Perceive Benefits
 Provide statistics on the effects of breastfeeding
 Highlight the positive effects that breastfeeding has on child health and IQ
 Breastfeeding demonstrations
 Hand out breast milk pumps
 Perceive Barriers
 Testimonials from mothers about time management and breastfeeding
 Testimonials from mothers about working full time and breastfeeding
 Self Efficacy
 Testimonials from mothers who decided to breastfeed
 Effective breastfeeding tips from lactation specialist
Step #6: Expected outcomes
(what things will come out of the intervention)
 Education on breastfeeding techniques
 Increase awareness of the positive effects of breastfeeding
 Provide participants with breast milk pumps
 Create support networks of women who want to breastfeed
prior to delivery
 Dispel some of the myths around breastfeeding

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