Length: 4 pages double spaced
No page headers
Times New Roman, 12 point
Sources: APA format
Margins: 1”   all sides, A4

Art-based centers are inviting, self-contained spaces where children engage in creative activities, and are appropriate for every child. Each requires a clear purpose, a range of materials and activities, and a means of assessment or evaluation. While centers must take into account individual needs, interests, and levels of learning, there are unique considerations for children at different ages. As an early childhood teacher, put on your centers-based thinking cap to complete the follow parts of this assignment. 

Part 1: Summarize how arts-based centers nurture children’s creative expression.

Part 2: Discuss how teachers must adapt arts-based centers for different age levels from toddlers to fourth graders.

Part 3: Discuss techniques teachers can use to manage a center-based environment in the creative classroom.