Question 1 (1 point)The Mid-Atlantic Ridge is an example of which type of plate boundary? adivergent bconvergent ctransform dstrike-slipQuestion 2 (1 point)If the hanging wall moves down relative to the footwall, it is called which kind of fault? areverse bnormal ctransform dstrike-slipQuestion 3 (1 point)Which of the following most effectively outline the edges of the lithospheric plates? alines of active stratovolcanoes blines of earthquake epicenters cmargins of the continental shelves dthe locations of deep mantle hot spotsQuestion 4 (1 point)What do the volatile gases in magma provide in an eruption? acalming effect bforce cliquid dnothingQuestion 5 (1 point)Which of the following is an example of an active, continent-continent collision? athe Arabian Peninsula slamming into North Africa under the Red Sea bthe northern movement of Baja California and a sliver of western California toward the Hawaiian Islands cthe northward movement of India into Eurasia dthe westward movement of the South American plate over the Nazca plateQuestion 6 (1 point)Mount St. Helens and the other Cascade volcanoes are which of the following? aa row of young, active shield volcanoes built as western North America moved over a hot spot deep in the mantle bold, deeply-eroded stratovolcanoes built before the Pacific Ocean existed cold, deeply-eroded, basaltic shield volcanoes built when western North America was over the present-day site of the Hawaiian hot spot dyoung, active stratovolcanoes built on a continental margin above a sinking slab of oceanic lithosphereQuestion 7 (1 point)The point on the surface directly above the focus of the earthquake is called what? aepicenter bfault scarp csurface wave dinertial pointQuestion 8 (1 point)Early results of the Deep Sea Drilling Project clearly supported the conclusion that the ocean floor is the oldest rock on Earth. True FalseQuestion 9 (1 point)How old is the universe? a13.7 billion years b4.6 billion years c3.8 billion years d4000 yearsQuestion 10 (1 point)The continental drift hypothesis was rejected primarily because Alfred Wegener could not do what? adisprove competing theories that were more accepted by scientists bfind geologic similarities on different continents cidentify a mechanism capable of moving continents dall of theseQuestion 1 (1 point)Which of the following is an igneous rock? alimestone brhyolite cshale dslateQuestion 2 (1 point)Which change may occur during metamorphism? aCertain minerals may recrystallize. bCrystals may grow larger. cThe rock becomes more compact. dall of theseQuestion 3 (1 point)Detrital sedimentary rocks are classified (named) primarily based on which characteristic? acolor bcomposition cparticle size dall of theseQuestion 4 (1 point)As the rate of cooling increases, the sizes of crystals that form do what? adecrease bincrease care not affected dnone of theseQuestion 5 (1 point)Which statement best defines the difference between a mineral and a rock? aA mineral is defined by the rock in which it is found. bRocks always contain the same minerals in the same concentrations. cMinerals have a wide variety of forms and characteristics. dRocks are aggregates of minerals.Question 6 (1 point)Which rock is a popular building stone? aandesite bbasalt cdiorite dgraniteQuestion 7 (1 point)The resistance of a mineral to abrasion is known as which property? acleavage bhardness cluster dstreakQuestion 8 (1 point)Which mineral group exhibits a sheet-like silicate structure? acarbonates bfeldspars cmicas dpyroxenesQuestion 9 (1 point)The strong tendency of certain minerals to break along smooth, parallel planes is known by which term? acleavage bcracking luster ccrystal form dstreakQuestion 10 (1 point)What can be said about sedimentary rocks? ahold important clues about the Earth’s history bmay be economically important cmay contain fossils dall of these