In your own words, answer this unit’s discussion questions in a main post (recommended minimum 350 words).

Presidential Policy Directive (PPD) 8, “National Preparedness,” was released on March 30, 2011. It replaces Homeland Security Presidential Directive (HSPD) 8 on National Preparedness and HSPD 8 Annex I on National Planning. Among other things, PDD 8 is designed to provide baseline definitions and direct certain activities. In answering the questions below, locate and read PDD 8 in its entirety. Visit any other resources that you need to fully consider and discuss the requirements listed for this assignment.
Assignment Guidelines

Address the following in your main post:

You have read PDD 8. Evaluate it for its merits or weaknesses as a policy document.

To what degree does it provide sufficient guidance for emergency managers, planners, and the like?
In what ways, if any, do you find it lacking in usefulness for emergency managers or planners? Explain in what ways it may be insufficient and defend your answer.
Whom do you believe was its intended audience? Explain and defend your answer.

Post a new topic to the Discussion Board that contains your responses to the above questions.
Comment on at least two other students’ posts.