Creating three scripts on “Cygwin terminal”. Please find attached

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ITEC 325
Fall 2012
Assignment 1
Working individually you are to create three scripts. These scripts will perform the functions
described below.
Script 1:
1. Perform a ls -al on the files within the user’s home directory and save it to a file called
ls.dat within your ~ directory
2. Save the tree information for the /home directory in a file called tree.dat within your
3. Create a new directory in your home directory called “backups”
4. Move the files you just created to the new directory
5. Rename the files that you just moved to “ls.bu” and “tree.bu”.
Script 2:
1. Ask the user for their name
2. Create a file called “daily.dat” within the home directory
3. Ask the user for a line of text that the system should save to the file
4. Add to the file the line of text entered by the user
5. Ask the user for a second line of text that the system should save to the file
6. Append at the end of the file the line of text entered by the user
7. Create a copy of the file in the directory “backups” within the home directory, renaming
the file daily.bu.
Script 3:
1. Ask the user for a file’s name
2. If the file exists, ask them if they would like to (C)opy, (M)ove, or (D)elete it by
choosing C, M, or D
3. If the user chooses C, ask for the destination directory and move it there
4. If the user chooses M, ask for the destination directory and move it there
5. If the user chooses D, delete the file.
For Script 3 ensure that the user enters only C, M, or D, warning them about the mistake if they
should enter something else.
You will turn in three shell scripts named “”, “”, and “”. Turn in
your assignments on BlackBoard.

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