I need your help for writing essay (4 pages not including the cover page and references page)  
The topic as below:
Read “Case 2-2: Performance Management at KS Cleaners” (attached in the question) and then answer the below questions.

Question #1: In the context of KSC, critically evaluate the  availability of any prerequisites to implementing a performance  management process.
Question #2: Discuss your plans for developing formal job descriptions for the employees at the second shop.
Question #3: Explain key features of developing performance plans  for the employees. Provide examples of factors you would consider in  developing such plans for the dry cleaner.

You will need to include a brief introduction of the case and  critically evaluate the current situation of KSC. It is important to  display adequate analysis of the case and integrate sufficient support  from scholarly resources throughout the assignment. Use suitable  headings and subheadings to organize the work in an appropriate manner.

– Write an essay that includes an introduction paragraph, the essay’s      body, and a conclusion paragraph to address the assignment’s guide      questions. Do not address the questions using a question-and-answer     format. 
-APA style should be used
-Font will be: Times roman 12, and double space should be between lines
-At least 3-4 scholarly, peer-reviewed journal articles will be used as references (including the below two).

Required Reference:
 Georgiou-Botaris, E. (2018, March 22).  The how-to: Establishing a performance management system for your enterprise.

Lucianetti, L., Batitsta, V., & Koufteros, X. (2019). Comprehensive performance measurement systems design and organizational effectiveness. International Journal of Operations & Production Management, (2), 326.

Yadav, N., Sushil, P., & Bititci, U. S. (2018). Development of performance management system incorporating dual perspectives of enterprise and customers. Measuring Business Excellence, (3), 201.