1. You need your hypothesis …it is based on your expectations of the results between X and Y

2. If you would like, and it would be impressive, make up a hypothetical table with the gender, age,

educational level etc. of your subjects. Most of you have between 10 and 20 subjects

3. Next will be your table ….created by Excel (Tutorial: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=s2TVkYmmCAs)

The Table will have 3 columns…Subjects, “X” , and “Y”

The graph drawn by Excel will have a TITLE (Your X vs Y Statement/Hypothesis), X axis labeled, and Y

labeled axis.You will also ask Excel to draw the “line of best fit”

Excel calculates your correlation coefficient (“r’) which indicates the STRENGTH and DIRECTION of your

correlation. Google “strength and direction of correlation” if you are unsure what this means

4. Chapter IV (Analysis of Results). All you are doing here is to analyze your results.

You will write about your hypothesis (X and Y relationship) and what your correlation study revealed

You will write about the direction of X and Y —-positive or negative

You will write about the strength of your “r” and what your study revealed with your “r’ value.