During this week, you will develop a detailed sentence outline of the points you plan 

to make for your research project presentation. Your outline will include your thesis, topic 

sentences, supporting evidences, explanations, and analysis for each topic sentence, as 

well as in-text citations and your works cited. Preparing a detailed sentence outline before 

designing your project presentation will help you present your research in an organized 

and productive way.
At this point in the development of your final class project, you have composed a tentative 

argument thesis focused on a topic you selected from the Research Project Topics. You 

have spent time reading and conducting extensive research about the thesis argument you 

developed. You have also completed an annotated bibliography for your research, and then 

refined your thesis and developed topic sentences about your thesis based on the 

research you have done.
From that research, you will now develop a sentence outline for your final project. A 

sentence outline is basically a first draft of your writing, only your writing is subdivided 

into sections and labeled. Your sentence outline should include the following sections:

Hook: Provides a way to grab your audience’s attention about your research topic; 

Introduction: Provides background for to topic you researched and leads your 

reader to your thesis; Thesis Sentence: a sentence placed at the end of your 

introduction that states the topic of your research, your claim about that topic, and 

a list of the main ideas you will use to support/prove that claim;
Topic Sentence 1: a sentence that states the main idea for the first body section 

and that ties back to your thesis claim; 2-3 Evidences  + Explanations and Analysis 

(delineated) that support the first topic sentence ;
Topic Sentence 2: a sentence that states the main idea for the second body section 

and that ties back to your thesis claim; 2-3 Evidences + Explanations and Analysis 

(delineated) that support the second topic sentence;
Topic Sentence 3: a sentence that states the main idea for the third body section and 

that ties back to your thesis claim; 2-3 Evidences + Explanations and Analysis 

(delineated) that support the third topic sentence;  

(Additional Topic Sentences and support can be added as needed);

Conclusion: Restates your argument thesis and sums up your analysis and findings. 

Any new insights about your research topic can also be shared here. 

Your sentence outline also needs to include:

clear and fluent writing that is error free from grammar and mechanical errors;
use of at least 7 credible, valid sources from your research;
proper MLA 8 formatted in-text citations for all sources referenced or used; 
a proper MLA 8 formatted Works Cited for all sources referenced or used.

To submit your work: Click the Submit Assignment button (top right of screen).
Your sentence outline is worth up to 50 points. It will be graded according to the following criteria:

5 points–includes an introduction with your argument thesis written at the end of your introduction; 
5 points–includes a conclusion that sums up your argument and findings;
5 points–includes strong topic sentences for each body section;
15 points–includes a body that evidences at least 2-3 strong, developed 

supports + explanation/analysis for each main idea that address your thesis claim;
5 points–ideas are written in sentences and are error free;
5 points–evidences at least 7 credible, valid sources from your research;
5 points–includes proper MLA 8 formatted in-text citations for all sources referenced or used; 
5 points–includes a proper MLA 8 formatted Works Cited for all sources referenced or used.