Background:The content of chapter 1 provides a broad overview of the application of information system in organizations as well as some foundational concepts in CIS such as BI (business intelligence) and database technology. Carefully review the information in the chapter to make sure that you have a grasp of the topics presented and discussed in the chapter.The Assignment Tasks:In a Microsoft Word document, identify your major. If you have not yet declared a specific major, think about a likely candidate for a major at this point.Next, in a numbered list identify five different potential applications of information technology in your chosen major.Then, for each of the five identified potential applications, describe/explain each potential application clearly in relation to how it serves to eitherSupport a basic business function in your major field, or Improve a business process in your major field, orEnable more effective decision-making in your major field.Note that there are no right or wrong answers among the proposed potential applications. Each point will be graded in relation to how convincing your supporting information is for the three points (1, 2, and 3).my major is finance .