Need help with four Algebra 2 questions ASAP. The questions that I need help with are attached. Please help ASAP!

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Kyle starts a fundraiser with 43 pennies. He recruits all of the players on the basketball team to
participate. His goal is to triple the amount of pennies every day. Assume Kyle meets his goal
each day.
Use x to represent the number of days and y to represent the total number of pennies after
each day.
Write an equation to represent this scenario: _______________________________________
Circle each equation that represents exponential growth and underline each equation that
represents exponential decay.
A = (0.97)^t
y = 9/11(4)^t
V = 0.8(9)^t
P = 0.9(8.3)^t
Y = 3.7(0.2)^t
P = 7/9(5/4)^t
g(x) = 2.1(x)
The function of f(x) = log x is transformed into the equation f(x) = 4.3 log x. What is the answer
to correctly identify the parameter and the effect the parameter has on the parent function?
The function f(x) = 4.3 log x is a _____________________________of the parent function by a
factor of ___________________________.
What are the x and y intercepts of the equation y = log(7x+3)-2?
Round the answers to the nearest hundredth.
x-intercept = __________
y-intercept = __________

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