This paper is due on Thursday on 11/7, This paper is about moon cake, one of the traditional culture food in China. 
Essay requireth primary and secondary sources must be used.  I am not giving you minimum-maximum numbers beyond the common sense nudge “more than one” because we’re trying to develop your instincts here. To start with the Virtual Library, but you may branch out to the wider internet as long as you are choosing strong sources. 
Audience: A general audience. Assume they are not completely familiar with your subject. If you think readers may have preconceptions you should shape your strategy to deal with them  
Purpose: Your primary purpose is to define the subject and explain why it is important to you through the description, example, and information. Secondary purposes are more flexible and will depend on your approach and thesis. Do you want to entertain, connect, amuse, enlighten, persuade or caution? 
Description: Choose a food that is important to you and your family, ethnic group, generation, home, the circle of friends, or any other group you belong to. Write an essay that defines that describes and defines what that food is and explains/demonstrates its significance. Think about who eats (and maybe prepares) it? When? Why? How? And where they do so (or where it comes from). 
Include your earliest and/or most vivid memory of that food. Include background information on the food’s origin and history. Add additional information and support as necessary. As you develop your essay, try to incorporate different patterns (description, narration, process, exemplification, cause/effect, etc.). 
Remember to cite your sources appropriately and include a proper Works Cited page. MLA is the only acceptable style ments: 
Length: 4-5 pages (about 1,000 to 1,300 words) plus a Works Cited page.
Sources: Bo