1. Consider the following code, which is supposed to subtract a value passed to the method from an instance variable; however, there is a problem. Re-write this code, without renaming any variable names, to resolve the problem.private int number = 542;public void subtractNumbers (int number){number = number – number;System.out.println(“The local variable is: ” + number);System.out.println(“The instance variable is: ” + number);2. Consider the following segment of code. SomeClass someObject1 = new SomeClass(23); SomeClass someObject2 = new SomeClass(98.6); SomeClass someObject3 = new SomeClass(23, 98.6); 3. Write a class method called subtractThese that will accept two integer values, and calculate and print their difference.4. double rectangleArea = someObject.calcRectangleArea(1.5) Write an instance method that calculates the area of a rectangle using a class constant of 14 feet for the base of the rectangle. The value passed to the method represents the height of the rectangle in feet.