Writing 102
 need reference
29 W From Bb, read the Ketcham handout.  For your Journal: 1) write down all questions you have about the reading, 2) pick one question and research the answer, 3) write the answer in your own words, 4) explain specifically what you now understand in the reading that you did not understand before you did the research, 5) describe the research steps that you took and explain a) why you used the web site(s) that you used, and b) why you think it/they is/are authoritative, and 6) cite each site that you use in MLA citation format.  If you have questions about MLA citation format, go to the following website:  http://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/747/01/. To receive credit for this assignment, the question you answer for step #2 must be substantive and your answer to it must not be solely paraphrased